Secure this view by making an offer the Vendors simply cannot refuse


Coorabell real estate, residence and studio, for private sale with Coolamon Scenic Drive frontage


Eagle eye over our exceptional Coorabell haven.


Interested persons should be mindful that our Coorabell property’s attributes and opportunities, in our view, place this property at the higher end of the Byron Shire real estate market.

This may be evidenced by recent nearby property sales and existing substantive built properties located on the Coorabell north-facing escarpment, all within our vicinity.  A key current market indicator is that the contiguous adjoining property to our east achieved a substantive sale price.  Confirmation reference – Office of the Valuer General, NSW Government.




Motivated by your commitment to the eclectic Byron environs, your financial willingness and future vision, we invite you to make an offer for our Coorabell escarpment haven, which we as the owners for the past 44 years, cannot refuse.



This Coorabell escarpment property is protected through existing environmental conservation and management land use planning policy, under the 7(d) Scenic / Escarpment protection zone, in the Byron Local Environment Plan ( BLEP 1988).  The planning objectives being to protect and manage these 7(d) zoned land areas with their special aesthetic and ecological values, and to prevent development that could have an adverse effect on those values. ” Lands zoned 7(d) are excluded from future rural settlement in the Byron Shire. BRSS 1998 “.

Currently, under the adopted Byron LEP 2014, 7(d) Scenic / Escarpment lands are zoned DM, meaning Deferred Matter.  These noted 7(d) lands have been under review by the Byron Shire Council, in conjunction with NSW Department of Planning for more than the past several years, with no decision as to a final land zoning made to date.  When  a new zoning is determined and lawfully implemented, it will be published on this website.

The Observatory ~ Coorabell, protected real estate, is centrally located to the villages of Bangalow and Federal, and the towns of Byron Bay and Mullumbimby.

Unencumbered clear land title.

The Observatory ~ rock solid smart buying, as evidenced by the new Coorabell demographics.

Selected strategic Coorabell Escarpment position with spectacular panoramic views from the residence.

This exceptional Coorabell property location presents the opportunity of serenity in a purity of environment.

Imposing elevated private land parcel offering scope for future redevelopment

Subject to Byron Shire Council Development Approval

The Observatory, Coorabell, property location offers a rural retreat lifestyle haven with creative opportunities to complement the natural environmental constraints.

The Observatory ~   300  Coolamon Scenic Drive,  Coorabell,  NSW,  2479

Residence and studio on an extraordinary 4,047 square metres escarpment land parcel.

For Private Sale by the Owners by Expression of Interest

Residence  information  link ~ and ~  Internal residence photographs

Property viewing by prior phone appointment only  ~  Phone  02 6684 7799


Impressive ocean & Byron Bay hinterland views from The Observatory, Coorabell

Left click to enlarge images

Coorabell location, escarpment position off Coolamon Scenic Drive, with exceptional north outlook

My introductory land and property checklist for Coorabell and Byron Bay rural hinterland real estate.

Pre-purchase checklist link ~  and  ~ Vendors sale checklist link

FAQs  ~ Frequently Asked Questions by interested persons when inspecting our Coorabell property.

How long have you owned the property ? Since the year 1979, which makes it 45 years in 2024.

Is the property environmentally protected ? Yes  ~  Byron Shire Council’s policy through the existing planning laws, biodiversity conservation strategy, tree preservation order and rural land use strategy, applies to the environmentally sensitive Coorabell escarpment lands, which are zoned 7(d) Scenic Escarpment/Protection. Under existing NSW bushfire regulations, the 10/50 Code of Practice rules, in the protection of vegetation, applies to this escarpment locality.

Bird song is preferred to chainsaws.

Why don’t you engage a Real Estate Agent ? Our personal preference is to manage our own sale process, in conjunction with our legal representative.

Why by expression of interest ? Again, our marketing preference. It is lawful for Vendors not to have to disclose their upset price.  Buyers do not have to disclose their buying limit. It is a willing seller, willing buyer, property sale transaction process. Neither being under any compulsion to sell or buy.

How long has the property been on the market ? We appreciate being the custodians of  our property and until we accept an offer, which we cannot refuse, our property will remain on the market for sale.

Why would you want to sell this special property ? When the right price is offered, our property will be sold.

Why are you selling the property ? To facilitate our lifestyle transition ~ after the property is sold ~ and then allow the successful purchaser to enjoy the tranquility and spiritual health of this beautiful location.

Are you  ready to sell ? Should our upset price be met, then our property will be sold.

Have you had any offers so far, and if so, how much ? Yes, but this is private and confidential information.

What sets your upset price ? Existing substantive escarpment properties to the east, from Coorabell through to St Helena, both on and off the market.

How do we know what price to offer ? The exceptional property location, panoramic views, attributes and opportunities, establish our upset price. A serious purchaser will be well researched and informed and offer the right price. Introductory helpful guidance may be found at my Vendors sale checklist.

What will be the value to you, after this property is transformed.

Genuine stunning north panoramic view taken from The Observatory residence deck, Coorabell

Left click to enlarge images

Polyptych of the exceptional outlook from 300 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Coorabell

For more information and photos about residence & studio, visit   ~

A Special  Coorabell  Property With changing, breathtakingly beautiful, north panoramic views

The Observatory ~   300 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Coorabell

For Private Sale by Expression of Interest

The Observatory, Coorabell Escarpment, is located within an environmental protection land use zoning.

Byron Shire Council’s Tree Preservation Order applies to environmentally sensitive 7(d) escarpment lands.  The removing of protected trees for the purpose of improving views, as evidenced by recent Court convictions, is taken seriously by the Local Government Authority.  Large fines have been imposed in the Byron Shire for breaches of the Tree Preservation Order under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

Under the Byron Shire Council’s 7(d) (Scenic / Escarpment Zone) objectives, development consent is required for the clearing of land, construction of new building sites, new access driveways and compliance with new building setbacks from arterial roads.

Recent reported court outcome statements by Byron Shire Council’s Corporate Governance Manager, demonstrate and clearly express the important significance of Byron Shire’s existing land use policy. Quote ~  “These conditions are put in place to ensure there is sustainable land use in Byron Shire.”   ~   “It is not for individual land owners, no matter who they are, to decide they do not wish to comply with laws that are in place for the benefit of the wider Byron Shire community.” ~  The Northern Star, 15 February 2012.

Location Maps  ~  300 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Coorabell, 2479 ~ The Observatory

Links to Byron Local Environment Plan and  7(d) ( Scenic / Escarpment Zone ) Objectives

Until the new draft Byron LEP is implemented, the Byron LEP 1988 is the current legal planning instrument.

Byron Shire land use Planning Zones Maps

QuoteVisually prominent / scenic areas ~ Inappropriately located rural settlement can ultimately destroy the very scenic amenity of an area which attracted residents in the first place.  Preserving the dominant landscape features or scenic characteristics of an area is fundamental to ensuring that the visual rural qualities of the Shire (i.e. prominent ridges, bushland or timber, creeks, views, aspect, etc.) are not further diminished by future rural settlement.  ~    As a minimum starting point, the Strategy excludes all lands zoned in the Byron LEP 1988 as  7(d) (Scenic / Escarpment Zone ) from future rural settlement in the Shire.” ~ Extract from the ” Byron Rural Settlement Strategy 1998 ~ Best Practice Guidelines and Performance Standards ” ~ Page 99

Vale Google Map Real Estate !  ~  was a  good starting point for your spatial  property investigation

Locality Diagram ~  The Observatory, Coorabell,  to Cape Byron Lighthouse and Julian Rocks

Julian Rocks, out to sea, north westerly of the Cape Byron Lighthouse ~

and the Pacific Ocean   ~  only 10 minutes drive from The Observatory, Coorabell


Please visit our main  website for further detailed information and photos

Left click to enlarge images

The Pass, Byron Bay  ~  looking back to the hinterland escarpment and mountains




The Proposed Coorabell Property Sale Process

For Private sale  ~  The Observatory  ~  300 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Coorabell, Byron Shire, NSW.

On site inspection by prior appointment only, with identification and contact details required from interested person(s).  A signed written expression of interest  nominating offered purchase price by the prospective purchaser(s),  will be considered by the Vendors.  The highest or any expression of interest not necessarily accepted.  On the written acceptance of an offer by the Vendors,  the formal sale process and property conveyance will be undertaken by the Vendor’s Legal Representative.  Terms ~ unconditional contract, 10% deposit by bank cheque made out to the Vendors’ legal representative’s Trust Account.  If written offer not accepted by Vendors, the prospective purchaser(s) are welcome to submit further written offers for the Vendors consideration.


” The Observatory ” property is offered for private sale under New South Wales law. The information on this web site is of an advertising nature only. Accordingly, all interested purchasers should make their own proper enquiries to verify web site information as well as any additional or supporting information supplied and it is the responsibility of interested purchasers to satisfy themselves in all respects. Maps shown on this web site are a diagrammatic representation only and are not to scale. For accurate dimensions delineating land boundaries, refer to relevant NSW Deposited Plans of Survey.

Find your niche / roots   ~   The Observatory,  Coorabell Escarpment.



20  minutes drive  from  The  Observatory

~    300 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Coorabell, Byron Shire, NSW    ~

Property for private sale by expression of interest

An autumn day out for the Vendors







Eagle eye over our Coorabell haven